If I diverted my brain from obsessing over the soap opera mystery of someone wanting to harm a certain family and focused on generating ideas, I might just become the next Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos. However, it seems our brainstorming efforts might not be in vain, as we may have unraveled what’s happening inside Claire’s mind.
In a major hint last week, Claire discussed the Newman Enterprises using people and then discarding them when their purpose is fulfilled. This insight leads us to consider that Cole Howard’s return to the soap might be more than a coincidence, suggesting that Claireire could be a member of the family that the Newmans ruined.
Newman Enterprises, run by Victor, has undergone numerous changes over the years, with divisions abandoned and altered. It’s conceivable that Claireire’s parents, one or both, might have been loyal employees for decades, only to be discarded by Victor when their usefulness ended. Victor, known for giving opportunities to his own children, might have fired Claireire’s parents to secure a spot for one of his own offspring in the company.
Alternatively, he could have promised a smaller business for a merger or deal that ultimately led to bankruptcy, leaving Claireire’s family devastated. Due to Victor’s actions, Claireire might have lost her parents, perhaps due to one of them succumbing to alcoholism, explaining her use of the alcohol technique with Nikki.
While Claire appears to be the face of the schemes, it’s Aunt Jordan who might be the mastermind. If the show intends to keep Claireire as a permanent character, revealing a soft and relatable backstory could justify her actions. If this theory holds true, viewers might empathize with Claireire’s desire for revenge against those who caused the demise of her loved ones.
As the storyline unfolds, we await confirmation. If you enjoyed the video, please subscribe and hit the bell icon for more updates.