Li wanted to kill Sheila in the past, because she hates Sheila so much, but unfortunately for her, Finn didn’t listen to her at that time.
Finn thought that he is a doctor and he can’t let Sheila die when she is his patient, but now he may feel regret about it.
He knows that if he would let Sheila die at that time, so now he won’t have to worry about this mad woman anymore.
Now, Sheila has came back into Finn’s life and she has became a huge threat to his marriage, and Li wants to kill her again.
Li knows that Sheila will never give up on having a relationship with Finn, so the only to get rid of this woman is to kill her.
Li isn’t a crazy woman, but she knows that there’s no way to stay away from Sheila, except removing this woman from their life forever.
After watching her son Finn sad and desperated for losing his wife and kids, Li will decide to step up, and help her son this time.
Li can’t let Sheila stays in town anymore, she will do anything to remove this woman, and even kill her.
Spoilers say that a shocking bombshell will happen next month, Li will be arrested for killing Sheila, and things will become more complicated.
Finn will finally get rid of Sheila, but he won’t be able to see his adoptive mom for a long time, because Li will spend her life in jail after that.
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