A shocking development unfolds as Nick makes a surprising return to Port Charles. His reappearance catches the attention of Ava Jerome, and her reaction is unexpected, to say the least. She is still haunted by the fact that she was the one who hit him in the head a few months ago, so she thinks he came back to take revenge on her.
However, Nick’s return is not motivated by a desire to torment or harm Ava. Instead, he seeks to form an alliance with her, driven by a shared goal of seeking retribution against Esme, a formidable adversary who has wrought havoc in their lives.
Given the complex history and shared experiences between Nick and Ava, the prospect of them teaming up once again looms large. Although she still has many doubts, Avery’s mom seems quite excited about this plan. While Ace’s mother broke into Ava’s Castle in hopes of getting her memories back, she pretended like that action didn’t help her remember anything from the past.
It is worth mentioning that Esme dropped the glove at the scene. Laura, Spencer’s grandmother, was a bit surprised because Ace’s mom was the intruder. With her trust and wisdom, Laura encouraged the young mother to go to the PCPD to confess because sooner or later, the police would investigate her.
Esme followed Laura’s instructions and was honest with Dante and Ava about her wrongdoing. Of course, she still maintains the belief that she will be released if she is honest. Unfortunately, Nick’s ex-wife accused her, leading to Ace’s mother being arrested, to Laura’s surprise.
Since losing her memory, Heather’s daughter has devoted all her trust to Laura, who always helps and guides her wholeheartedly. But now, Esme blames Nick’s mother for sending her to prison, and the old version of her rising up means she thinks the mayor of the town is just acting to help Spencer get custody of the baby.
Rumors further indicate that Esme’s resentment towards Laura intensifies, leading to a complete reversal in her demeanor. Will Laura have a way to get Esme out of prison before it’s too late?